Full intralogistic solutions

Your internal logistics fully automated!

Totaaloplossing MPS&AGV

With our various modular solutions that communicate perfectly with each other, we can create a complete automated internal logistics system according to your needs, whether it’s implemented step by step or all at once.


We manufacture your logistics

With our advanced storage systems, you can easily organize the inventory, supply and disposal of welding jigs, semi-finished products and more. Leave the internal transport to our Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs), which effortlessly connect pick-up and drop-off points on the workplace to the storage system.

Transform your internal logistics and reach new heights of efficiency. Contact us to find out how we can optimize your logistics processes and lead your business into the future.

Automated storage systems in combination with AGVs

Working method

Personal, honest and straightforward

Our personal approach is characterized by honesty and directness. We believe this is the most efficient and effective path to successful results.

Knowledge and experience

With our background in the metal and manufacturing industry, we have sufficient knowledge and experience to provide you with the right solution.


We handle and manage the entire process from design to production and installation ourselves. This ensures a seamless coordination throughout the process and inventory and quality control.

Start small, think big

Not entirely illogically, it is often chosen to automate internal logistics step by step. That’s why we often say “start small, but think big”. We help you thinking ahead in the steps to be taken.

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Maximum efficiency and automation

Staff and floor space are scarce nowadays, which is why we try to use every m2 as efficiently as possible and automate as much as possible. Our various modular solutions communicate perfectly with each other, allowing us to built a complete automated logistics system, in stages or all at once, entirely depending on your needs and requirements.

Efficiency not only means tasks are completed faster, but also they come with less stress and frustration. Employees can focus on their core tasks, knowing that the processes around them are optimized for maximum effectiveness in a pleasant and safe working environment.