Experience Center

Look, experience and discover

KUMATECH pand voorzijde

At the Experience Center at our location in Bakel, we bring our technology to life and offer the opportunity to see our AGVs and innovative solutions in action. Experience how our AGVs integrate seamlessly into production environments and how our storage solutions optimize your internal logistics. We regularly host demo days and provide trainings here.

KUMATECH Experience Center
Hooieeuwsels 6, Bakel
The Netherlands



Curious about our company and our solutions? Come to one of our demo days.

We hope our website already gives you a lot of insight into who we are and what we do, but personal contact is also important to us. We understand you also want to see our solutions in real life and we would like to get to know you. This is why we regularly organize demo days.

Keep an eye on our website for new dates or contact us to register your company in advance.

Register company


An AGV in your workplace requires a different way of working and thinking from your employees. We therefore also offer training courses. Your employees learn how to handle an AGV and the basics of how our AGVs work. This way, your employees get to know their new colleague better, which contributes to a smooth integration within your organization and gets the most out of the AGV.

Our advice is to have an internal “ambassador” for the AGV who ensures that everyone internalizes the new process, instructs and makes adjustments where necessary.